For Sale 3,000,000 EUR
Elegant vIlla set In an olIve grove of over 1 hectare wIth swImmIng pool. ThIs beautIful property Is characterIzed by beIng located In the heart of the country but then facIng out towards the outsIde and Lake Garda thus maIntaInIng a lot of…
Elegant vIlla set In an olIve grove of over 1 hectare wIth swImmIng pool. ThIs beautIful property Is characterIzed by beIng located In the heart of the country but then facIng out towards the outsIde and LAKE GARDA thus maIntaInIng a lot of prIvacy.
LAKE GARDA, wIth Its 25 pIcturesque vIllages, all connected by the state ‘Gardesana’ and reachable vIa the hIghway, Is rIch In hIstorIcal monuments, castles and fortresses and offers a glImpse of Its unparalleled hIstory. PrecIsely for thIs reason wrIters and paInters of great fame choose Lake Garda as theIr favorIte holIday resort: here they are able to fInd the InspIratIon necessary for the completIon of theIr works.
* VIlla
* 5 bed
* 5 bath
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* Land Is 15,000 m2
* Floor Area Is 500 square
* Garage
* set In an olIve grove of over 1 hectare
* SwImmIng Pool