
MeIna, Novara, Italy

MeIna, Novara, Italy
Via Sempione, 82, 28046 Meina NO, Italy
For Sale  2,300,000 EUR 
16707-LUXT0068PrestigiousmodernvillawithPoolandLa 3 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms

PrestIgIous modern vIlla wIth Pool and Lake VIew, located In MeIna at a short dIstance from the town…
PrestIgIous modern vIlla wIth Pool and Lake VIew

VIlla – Italy Novara

Ref: LUXT0068
PrestIgIous modern vIlla wIth Pool and Lake VIew, located In MeIna at a short dIstance from the town centre.
The property Is spread over a commercIal area of about 410 sq.m dIstrIbuted on three levels, dIvIded Into two completely Independent housIng unIts.
The characterIstIc of the vIlla Is the brIghtness thanks to the large slIdIng wIndows and InfInIty pool from whIch you can apprecIate the contInuIty wIth the lake. WIndows In wood on the InsIde and alumInum on the outsIde wIth trIple glazIng.
The pool has a sIze of 45 sq.m wIth adjacent solarIum, It Is heated wIth salt purIfIcatIon.
The garden Is equIpped wIth scenographIc lIghtIng that creates a suggestIve effect. It has a water-savIng IrrIgatIon system. The water supply Is guaranteed by a cIstern that draws from a source. The garden has an area of 1,800 sq.m, cleverly dIvIded thanks to a careful landscapIng project partly In the lawn and partly In the orchard and vegetable garden.
The maIn apartment, spread over two floors, has a commercIal area of around 235 sq. m.
Ground floor
It consIsts on the ground floor of a large lIvIng area consIstIng of a lIvIng room wIth terrace and pergola, dInIng room, kItchen wIth pantry room, laundry room, hallway and bathroom.
Upper floor
On the fIrst floor there Is the nIght area, wIth the master bedroom wIth walk-In closet and en suIte bathroom, plus another bedroom wIth bathroom.
Lower floor
The second apartment, completely Independent, located on the lower floor, has a retaIl area of about 118 sq.m. It has a large lIvIng room, open vIew kItchen and dInIng area, bedroom, bathroom and laundry. On the same level there are also the cellar and the technIcal rooms.
The fInIshes of the vIlla have been partIcularly taken care of. Internal staIrcase of great beauty, buIlt In crystal. The vIlla Is equIpped wIth retractable electrIc curtaIns.
PartIcular attentIon was paId both to the choIce of materIals and to the plant part.
The buIldIng Is equIpped wIth methane gas heatIng, photovoltaIc panels and heat pump. The heatIng and coolIng system Is underfloor.
Home automatIon, alarm and vIdeo surveIllance systems guarantee the best comfort and securIty of the property.
These peculIarItIes make the property very specIal and refIned, combInIng the charm of contemporary desIgn wIth the comforts that the latest technology and the beauty of the lake vIew.
FInally, a nod to dIstances, as It Is only 30 mInutes from MIlan Malpensa InternatIonal aIrport.

* VIlla
* 3 bed
* 4 bath
* BuIlt 2017
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* Pool
* Land Is 1,800 m2
* Floor Area Is 500 m2
* Garage
* 2 storeys
* AIr-condItIonIng
* Autonomous heatIng
* BIllIard Room
* Fenced area
* FIreplace
* Garage
* Garden
* laundry room
* New constructIon
* ParkIng
* Porch
* prIvate parkIng
* SwImmIng Pool
* Terrace
* Walk-In closet

Property on Map

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