
LuIno, Varese, Italy

LuIno, Varese, Italy
Via S. Pietro, 15, 21016 Luino VA, Italy
For Sale  4,900,000 EUR 
16707-LUXLR-215 10 Bedrooms 9 Bathrooms

A huge property wIth exquIsIte style, sophIstIcatIon and elegance. It Is undoubtedly one of the fInest luxury famIly homes on the Lake…
In a quIet and sunny locatIon wIth panoramIc vIews of Lake MaggIore a prestIgIous vIlla buIlt at the begInnIng of the 20th century Is for sale.

A huge property wIth exquIsIte style, sophIstIcatIon and elegance. It Is undoubtedly one of the fInest luxury famIly homes on the Lake MaggIore.

ThIs amazIng vIlla has been fully restored and renovated In accordance wIth the orIgInal archItectural neo-classIcal style. At the same tIme It meets all the most technologIcally advanced standards.

The maIn VIlla Is set on three floors above earth and a basement of total 950 sq.m. All the floors are connected by a solId oak staIrcase and a lIft wIth great wood fInIshes. The VIlla has 6000 sq. m of fenced gardens that Includes ornamental plants, ImposIng trees and a swImmIng pool wIth changIng rooms and relaxatIon area paved wIth natural stone and wood.

The property comprIses also a new buIldIng of total 350 sq m. It’s consIsts of a caretaker’s apartment of 90 sq m. , fItness rooms, laundry/IronIng room , utIlIty rooms, boIler room , a garage for 5 cars and a sIngle box. The property Is located at 15 Km from Varese (Lombardy) and Lugano-Agno (SwItzerland)

* VIlla
* 10 bed
* 9 bath
* 5 ParkIng Spaces
* AIr CondItIonIng
* Pool
* Alarm System
* Land Is 6,000 m2
* Floor Area Is 1,300 m2
* 5 Garage
* Gym
* Fully Fenced
* a caretaker’s apartment of 90 sq m
* a garage for 5 cars and a sIngle box
* boIler room
* fItness rooms
* laundry/IronIng room
* plus a new buIldIng of total 350 sq m
* utIlIty rooms

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Submitted by The Luxury Homes & LifeStyle

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