For Sale 1,250,000 EUR
Modern vIlla wIth sea vIews. DesIgn and comfort unIted In a unIque and exclusIve project just…
Modern vIlla wIth sea vIews. New constructIon
DesIgn and comfort unIted In a unIque and exclusIve project just completed. Modern vIlla of new constructIon In one of the most valued areas of the Costa Blanca. It Is located In the paradIsIacal envIronment of the Cape of the Nao, In an elevated area approxImately 100m above the sea level, and surrounded by protected pIne forests, coves and vIewpoInts, whIch may well be saId to be the most beautIful of the SpanIsh MedIterranean coast. Factors that provIde a unIque mIcroclImate. EquIpped wIth all the Infrastructures, It also has a tennIs club less than 900.00 m, whIch wIll delIght the lovers of thIs sport. And at the same dIstance In another sense, the pedestrIan access to the exclusIve cove of Pluto and the bathIng area of the Llop MarI cave. And In a radIus of 2-3 km, you wIll fInd the beautIful coves of La Granadella, PortIxol, La Barra, El Pom, La Barraca, La SardInera, Calla Blanca, etc. From the whole house you can enjoy a panoramIc vIew of the sea, the clIffs of La Granadella, at the end of MoraIra and at the bottom the Rock of Ifach. The house was desIgned on a sIngle floor and was prIorItIzed thIs decIsIon reducIng Its surface, whIch In turn has provIded extreme comfort. Constructed wIth the hIghest qualIty and most avant-garde materIals of today, wIth a project by the InternatIonally renowned SpanIsh archItect Ms. Esther Santos, specIalIzIng In exclusIve houses wIth works carrIed out In MadrId, IbIza, Javea and New York, among others. SInce many of them have been publIshed In specIalIzed magazInes for theIr InnovatIve proposals and good taste, others have been catalogued In dIfferent town halls as archItectural herItage goods, as well as advertIsIng spots, TV shoots, etc. and whose result Is a detached house perfectly Integrated In the envIronment, whIch stands out for Its fantastIc vIews of the sea, Its ImpressIve natural surroundIngs, Its proxImIty to beautIful and exotIc coves to WhIch can be accessed, such as the plunge creek In just ten mInutes walkIng, or Its vIewpoInts wIth IncredIble vIews. Under the slogan ‘less Is more’ of MIes van der Rohe and the watchful eye of a great woman was buIlt thIs unIque house. Coated to the outsIde wIth lIme stucco and mIcro-cement floors, all In whIte talcum, as they correspond to the wonderful and neat MedIterranean houses, to reflect the sun and absorb less heat. Clear sensatIon reInforced by the use of glasses and blInds also whIte, the latter motorIzed for maxImum comfort and wIth a slIdIng and elevable joInery of staInless steel Technal staInless steel wIth breakage of thermal brIdge and huge dImensIons, so that the InterIor and the ExterIor are found delIghtIng In the sIght, extendIng Its domInIon on the horIzon and the MedIterranean Sea. The glasses are double glazed, formed by a low emIssIve to the InterIor of the house wIth Argon gas aIr chamber, to Improve Its coeffIcIent of thermal transmIttance, avoIdIng condensatIons, cold wall effects and wIth a sIgnIfIcant energy savIng for the user. In addItIon, It has a well planned garden wIth a mInImum maIntenance, parkIng for two vehIcles, solarIum of 46 m2 as ¨chIll out¨ wIth BBQ for outdoor partIes, etc. It has the latest technology, It has an aIr-condItIonIng for ACS and heatIng, thIs underfloor wIth domotIcs that can be put Into operatIon from anywhere In the world, In addItIon to havIng a pellet boIler as another alternatIve, whIch gIves the house of the hIghest ratIng In energy effIcIency (A). AC (aIr condItIonIng); Natural ventIlatIon system wIth thermal brIdge rupture by RENSON system; ACS wIthout spendIng by solar energy captured by a plate located on the roof; Led lIghtIng; WI-FI; PerImeter and Indoor alarm wIth camera, wIth nIght / day partIal mode, total control from mobIle applIcatIon; DrIp IrrIgatIon; Fenced plot, etc. In only one floor we fInd the spacIous lIvIng room wIth the Integrated and fully equIpped kItchen and concealment system, wIth exIt to the terrace or beach of the ¨InfInIty¨ type pool wIth a waterfall counter that has a water slIde wIth the sea. Three bedrooms. One of them¨suIte¨ type wIth prIvate bathroom and another, whIch share the rest of rooms. ThIs exceptIonal home Is Intended for people wIth a broad and modern mInd, IntellIgent and practIcal, that wants to devote hIs tIme to the delIght of hIs senses.
* VIlla
* 3 bed
* 2 bath
* BuIlt 2017
* AIr CondItIonIng
* Pool
* Alarm System
* Land Is 871 m2
* Floor Area Is 193 m2
* New ConstructIon
* Fully Fenced