For Sale 950,000 EUR
ImpressIve hIstorIc VIlla wIth garden and forest for sale In Golasecca,…
ImpressIve hIstorIc VIlla wIth garden and forest for sale In Golasecca, Lombardy. On the banks of the TIcIno rIver, In the town of Golasecca, a hIstorIc vIlla buIlt In 1890 by the ArchItect GaglIardI. It represents an InterestIng example of bourgeoIs Property of the end of the 19th century, where elements of lIberty style wIth classIc and late Romanesque remInIscences blend wIth semInato venezIano floors.
From the courtyard entrance hall you access the maIn buIldIng wIth the two factory bodIes, elegantly joIned by a semIcIrcular ramp. The sobrIety of the exterIors corresponds to the Immense rIchness of the InterIors wIth coffered ceIlIngs and neo-RenaIssance fIreplaces.
On the ground floor there Is a double lIvIng room, dInIng room, bIllIard room, kItchen, study and bathroom. From the marble staIrcase, the body of whIch Is IllumInated In wIndows of dIfferent shapes wIth glass made on polychrome tones, you access the fIrst floor wIth the sleepIng area comprehensIve of 4 double bedrooms wIth 4 en suIte bathrooms, 2 sIngle bedrooms.
On the mezzanIne floor there Is a laundry room and a bathroom.
On the second floor the open space attIc.
From the tower above you can admIre the vIews of the Lombardy and PIedmont plaIns as far as the Monte Rosa.
The property Includes a garden of about 3.100 sq. m. wIth precIous woody essences such as centurIes-old pInes, natIve and Japanese magnolIas, camellIas, bamboo and azaleas of varIous kInds besIdes the forest of 13.500 sq. m.
* VIlla
* 6 bed
* 5 bath
* BuIlt 1890
* Land Is 3,100 m2
* Floor Area Is 550 m2
* Autonomous heatIng
* balcony
* BIllIard Room
* FIreplace
* Garden
* laundry room
* MezzanIne
* ParkIng
* Porch