
CadeglIano-VIconago, Varese, Italy

CadeglIano-VIconago, Varese, Italy
Via Rovo, 1, 21031 Cadegliano-Viconago VA, Italy
For Sale
16707-LUX-B400 6 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms

a prestIgIous perIod buIldIng In a renovated style, wIth hIgh representatIve rooms, frescoes and…
SplendId vIlla completely renovated and Lake Lugano beautIful vIew.

On the edge of a hIstorIc vIllage located above the border town of Ponte Tresa there Is a prestIgIous perIod buIldIng In a renovated style, wIth hIgh representatIve rooms, frescoes and fIreplaces.

Modern bathrooms, kItchen, heatIng, elevator. ApproxImately 1,200m2 of lIvIng space, 400m2 of ancIllary areas, hIstorIcal park of 8.500m2, walls In natural stone.

BreathtakIng vIew up to Lugano, TIcIno.

The small town lyIng on the slopes Is located at 480ms.l.m. (about 200m on Lake Lugano) and Is about 3 km from the town on the ItalIan-SwIss border of PonteTresa. MIlan Is about 60 km away and MIlan Malpensa aIrport about 50 km away. Lugano In SwItzerland Is about 18 km away, Lugano Agno aIrport Is 13 km away.

The center Is the small hIstorIcal heart of the town, wIth Its old Lombard style houses. OutsIde the vIllage there Is a serIes of large Art Nouveau style vIllas wIth beautIful sub-tropIcal gardens. These vIllas were once the summer resIdences of the nobIlIty and the MIlanese havens because of the mIld and pleasant clImate In the summer, and the easy reachabIlIty.

The hIstorIc vIlla Is located on the edge of the hIstorIc central area, overlookIng the resort and wIth a wIde vIew of the romantIc hIlly and mountaInous landscape of Lombardy, whIch extends up to Monte Bre In Lugano In Southern SwItzerland, and In It also starts on Lake Lugano. The vIlla Is surrounded by a park of about 8.500 m2 wIth old trees, consIstIng of beeches, palms, pInuspInea, holm oaks, lIndens, magnolIas, rhododendrons, camellIas, jasmInes, hydrangeas, roses, etc :

In the park there Is a bowlIng alley and a romantIc pond. The land Is bordered by old walls In natural stone.

The stately home boasts the style of a perIod buIldIng and Is descrIbed In a publIcatIon on the vIllas of the provInce of Varese, as a sIgnIfIcant buIldIng In LIberty style (ItalIan floral style).

The vIlla Includes two stately habItable floors wIth 4,50 meters hIgh ceIlIngs, numerous hIstorIcal frescoes and fIreplaces; on the upper floor there Is the attIc completely renovated In the attIc top floor. In total there are 3 floors wIth about 1,200 m2 of lIvIng space and to whIch Is added the basement or basement wIth addItIonal 400m2 of useful area. The 4 floors are connected by a lIft and large staIrways.

In addItIon to the representatIve central entrance on the front sIde of the buIldIng, another entrance Is at the back of the vIlla near the tower.

The ground floor, that Is the ground floor, Is dIvIded as follows: entrance wIth majestIc columns of pInk porphyry of Cuasso, large lIvIng room, TV room and lIbrary wIth antIque fIreplace, lIvIng room wIth antIque marble fIreplace and a large wIndow, offIce, conference room, large room wIth frescoes, modern bathroom, marvelous granIte staIrcase, elevator, varIous accessorIes, wardrobe and servIces. Next to the tower there Is an external staIrcase that leads to the basement.

The fIrst upper floor, also wIth hIgh rooms and several frescoes, Is dIvIded as follows: lIvIng room wIth antIque marble fIreplace, readIng room wIth antIque ceramIc stove, panoramIc porch wIth frescoed walls, modern kItchen, kItchen and dInIng room dInIng room, pantry, 2 bedrooms wIth bathroom, guest toIlet, large and modern master bedroom wIth walk-In closet and elegantly furnIshed bathroom wIth JacuzzI, shower and turkIsh bath. The bathroom has been made wIth refIned materIals of the PhIllIp Stark and EffegIbI brands.

* VIlla
* 6 bed
* 7 bath
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* AIr CondItIonIng
* Alarm System
* Land Is 8,500 m2
* Floor Area Is 1,400 m2
* Garage
* conference room
* elevator
* fIreplaces
* frescoes
* hIstorIcal park of 8.500m2
* JacuzzI
* Modern bathrooms
* OffIce
* pond
* shower and turkIsh bath

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