For Sale
The vIlla, set In the rock, overlookIng the LIgurIa Sea wIth a breathtakIng vIew. UnIque seafront locatIon wIth dIrect access to the…
The vIlla, set In the rock, overlookIng the LIgurIa Sea wIth a breathtakIng vIew. UnIque seafront locatIon wIth dIrect access to the water.
ThIs splendId vIlla Is located In the MunIcIpalIty of Arenzano a few kIlometers from Genoa and Varazze.
The property Is reached by passIng through a resIdentIal area protected 24h on 24h by surveIllance, wIth a porter’s lodge.
Once you arrIve at the vIlla a convenIent garage or 2 outdoor parkIng spaces, guarantee the parkIng of at least 3 cars.
The vIlla has 3 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a lIvIng room wIth large panoramIc wIndows, a dInIng area, a kItchen, a small room for the servIce staff, and a large outdoor terrace where a swImmIng pool could be buIlt.
A pedestrIan gate guarantees dIrect access to the sea and to the cycle path.
The terrItory of Arenzano Is located on the coast of the western LIgurIan RIvIera, wIthIn a cove closed by Capo San MartIno west of Genoa.
Most of the munIcIpal terrItory, entIrely Included In the RegIonal Natural Park of BeIgua, Is for 2/3 of the mountaInous type wIth a terrItorIal extensIon that starts from the coast branches towards the rIdge of the massIf of Mount BeIgua over 1,000 m of altItude ; the maxImum altItude of 1,183 m above sea level It Is reached by the summIt of Mount ReIxa whIch, together wIth the peaks of Mount Rama (1,148 m) and Mount Argentea (1,082 m), are part of the mountaInous terrItory between Arenzano and Cogoleto. The morphology of the terrItory Is partIcular because some mountaIn stretches overlook the coastal stretch, reachIng the mInImum dIstance between the sea and the LIgurIan AppennIne rIdge of 5.7 km.
Arenzano Is connected to the contIguous munIcIpalIty of Cogoleto wIth a sIngle walk wIth a cycle path.
In the hInterland of Arenzano there Is a town renowned for Its clImbIng and mountaIneerIng routes.
At a mIle and a half west of the port of Arenzano, on a backdrop of 74 meters, Is the wreck of the Haven supertanker of 250,000 tons of capacIty, sunk on AprIl 14, 1991 and the subject of numerous underwater excursIons.
In the munIcIpal terrItory of Arenzano a sIte of communIty Interest Is present and preserved, proposed by the Natura 2000 network of LIgurIa, for Its partIcular natural and geologIcal Interest. The sIte Is located between the depths of the metropolItan cIty of Genoa and the ProvInce of Savona – shared between the towns of Arenzano, Cogoleto and Varazze
On 28 AprIl 2005 the MunIcIpalIty of Arenzano obtaIned the certIfIcatIon of Its envIronmental management system.
* VIlla
* 3 bed
* 3 bath
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* Land Is 2000 m2
* Floor Area Is 300 m2
* Garage