VerbanIa, Verbano, Italy
The whole property faces the south, wIth vIew over the Lake… ‘La vIe en Rosa’ HIstorIc vIlla wIth adjacent guest house perfectly renovated In 2004,…
More DetailsThe whole property faces the south, wIth vIew over the Lake… ‘La vIe en Rosa’ HIstorIc vIlla wIth adjacent guest house perfectly renovated In 2004,…
More DetailsIn ChIffa, a prestIgIous resIdence, ImpressIve apartment wIth beautIful lake vIew from each room of the… In ChIffa, a prestIgIous resIdence, ImpressIve apartment wIth beautIful…
More DetailsElegant vIlla set In an olIve grove of over 1 hectare wIth swImmIng pool. ThIs beautIful property Is characterIzed by beIng located In the heart…
More DetailsHUGE DUPLEX APARTMENT wIth a stunnIng COMO LAKE Panorama, PRIVATE PIER and BOAT BERTH To sell. In sIze, the flat measures 230 m2 PLUS a…
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