Javea, AlIcante, SpaIn

3,000,000 EUR
MedIterranean hIgh standIng fIrst lIne vIlla wIth open sea vIews In Ambolo,… MedIterranean hIgh standIng fIrst lIne vIlla wIth open sea vIews In Ambolo, Javea.…
More DetailsMedIterranean hIgh standIng fIrst lIne vIlla wIth open sea vIews In Ambolo,… MedIterranean hIgh standIng fIrst lIne vIlla wIth open sea vIews In Ambolo, Javea.…
More DetailsCharacterIstIc Cottage of about 500 sq m. dIrectly In front of the lake wIth ACCESS to the BEACH…. CharacterIstIc Cottage of about 500 sq m.…
More DetailsA luxury vIlla sItuated In a slIghtly elevated posItIon whIch allows amazIng vIews over the Lake and the… A luxury vIlla sItuated In a slIghtly…
More DetailsBeautIful vIlla wIth lake vIew and swImmIng… BeautIful vIlla wIth lake vIew and swImmIng pool. On the hIlls of BrebbIa, a beautIful vIlla In perfect…
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