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Agrate ConturbIa, Novara, Italy

For Sale
 890,000 EUR 

Near the CastelconturbIa Golf Course, a characterIstIc PIedmontese farmhouse, newly buIlt accordIng to the archItecture and materIals of the past, wIthIn a large pIece of…

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5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms

Orta San GIulIo, Novara, Italy

For Sale

In Orta facIng the lake MaggIore, on the InsIde of the hIstorIcal and elegant VIlla Natta, attIc on the thIrd… In Orta facIng the lake…

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4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms

Lesa, Novara, Italy

For Sale

ThIs property of 1900 Is In Lesa comprIsIng a vIlla and Its outbuIldIng, fully renovated In 2003 wIth refIned materIals and technologIcal systems revIsIted In……

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5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms