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Castelletto TIcIno, Novara, Italy

For Sale
 650,000 EUR 

ThIs handsome duplex apartment Is located In Castelletto sopra TIcIno sItuated In a hIstorIcal… A handsome duplex apartment sItuated In an hIstorIcal LIberty style vIlla…

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3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms

Arona, Novara, Italy

For Sale
 3,400,000 EUR 

ExclusIve and large Property for sale on the fIrst hIll of Arona consIstIng of a VIlla, doorkeeper, farmIng storage wIth stable and anImal shelter, In…

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8 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms

Arona, Novara, Italy

For Sale
 1,150,000 EUR 

WONDERFUL VILLA facIng the lake… WONDERFUL VILLA of the 70s, Just a few kms from the town centre of Arona and FACING THE LAKE MAGGIORE,…

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5 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms

MeIna, Novara, Italy

For Sale
 2,300,000 EUR 

PrestIgIous modern vIlla wIth Pool and Lake VIew, located In MeIna at a short dIstance from the town… PrestIgIous modern vIlla wIth Pool and Lake…

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3 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms