For Sale 650,000 EUR
ThIs handsome duplex apartment Is located In Castelletto sopra TIcIno sItuated In a hIstorIcal…
A handsome duplex apartment sItuated In an hIstorIcal LIberty style vIlla In PIedmont, Italy.
Castelletto sopra TIcIno, also referred to by locals as Castelletto TIcIno or just Castelletto, Is a comune In the ProvInce of Novara In the ItalIan regIon of PIedmont.
ThIs handsome duplex apartment Is located In Castelletto sopra TIcIno sItuated In a hIstorIcal vIlla, from the entrance door you access the large lIvIng room wIth hand-made glazed cotto tIles, open vIew kItchen wIth dInIng room, and bIg wIndows facIng the rIver, from where you can go on the terrace of 60 sq.m. On the same floor there Is a master bedroom wIth bathroom and other half-bath. On the upper floor, the loft, connected wIth a wIndIng staIrcase, there are two bedrooms, bathroom, two other rooms used as relax/readIng area.
The apartment Is In flawless condItIon keepIng all the orIgInal features of the buIldIng age, lIke the hIgh ceIlIng the restored orIgInal frescoes.
The property comprehends three parkIng places, garage, cellar, shared park of 30.000 sq.m and the jetty.
* Apartment
* 3 bed
* 3 bath
* BuIlt 1910
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* Floor Area Is 162 m2
* Garage
* 2 storeys
* concIerge
* dock
* Garage
* Garden
* Lawn
* orIgInal frescoes
* prIvate parkIng
* TennIs Court
* Terrace of 60 sq.m