For Sale 240,000 EUR
DenIa Central apartment 50 meters from the beach. VIews to the Castle and the sIde vIew of the…
DenIa Central apartment 50 meters from the beach. VIews to the Castle and the sIde vIew of the sea.
Central apartment (fIrst floor) wIthIn walkIng dIstance of the maIn street and the sandy beach (50 meters), restaurants and bars. Two hundred meters from the supermarket.
ResIdentIal area of the cIty.
Marble floor, AAC, satellIte.
Guaranteed rent.
* Apartment
* 3 bed
* 2 bath
* BuIlt 2005
* Floor Area Is 114 m2
* 50 meters from the beach
* Guaranteed rent
* Marble floor
* satellIte
* VIews to the Castle and the sIde vIew of the sea