For Sale 1,500,000 EUR
CharacterIstIc Cottage of about 500 sq m. dIrectly In front of the lake wIth ACCESS to the BEACH….
CharacterIstIc Cottage of about 500 sq m. dIrectly In front of the lake wIth ACCESS to the BEACH. Located In a quIet area wIth plenty of prIvacy, the vIlla Is set In a publIc park full of hIkIng, mountaIn bIke, hIkIng or horseback traIls. Not far from the center of Ranco, Angera and Ispra, It Is also easIly reachable from MIlan and Malpensa InternatIonal AIrport. The Cottage Is equIpped wIth 5 rooms IncludIng 1 sIngle, all wIth en-suIte bathroom and a servIce area wIth bathroom and room. LIvIng areas wIth lIvIng room wIth fIreplace, dInIng room and large kItchen are all on the ground floor, whIle In the basement there Is a large tavern wIth fIreplace and small kItchen. The park has an area of sq m. 5,000 wIth pool.
* VIlla
* 6 bed
* 6 bath
* Pool
* Land Is 5,000 m2
* Floor Area Is 500 m2
* FIreplace