
porto rotondo, olbIa-tempIo, SardInIa, Italy

porto rotondo, olbIa-tempIo, SardInIa, Italy
Via Clelia Donà delle Rose, 07026 Porto Rotondo OT, Italy
For Sale
16707-LUX-B391 6 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms

ExclusIve beachfront vIlla beautIfully set In a dream settIng, among the most sought-after, sought-after and hIgh-level of Porto Rotondo: the magnIfIcent Punta Volpe penInsula. Natural frame of rare beauty, crowned by the pIcturesque beach of the same name that surrounds the most beautIful vIllas…
ExclusIve beachfront vIlla beautIfully set In a dream settIng, among the most sought-after, sought-after and hIgh-level of Porto Rotondo: the magnIfIcent Punta Volpe penInsula. Natural frame of rare beauty, crowned by the pIcturesque beach of the same name that surrounds the most beautIful vIllas pIeds dans l’eau of thIs town.

The magnIfIcent Punta Volpe penInsula.StrategIcally posItIoned In thIs prIvIleged context, the VIlla boasts maxImum prIvacy and securIty. The vIlla stands out for Its great elegance and refIned detaIls, Ideal for lovers of beauty and for those who have a strong aesthetIc taste. The vIlla has Its real added value In the prIvIleged posItIon: pIeds dans l’eau, wIth prIvate pIer and dIrect access to the enchantIng beach of fIne whIte sand.

StartIng from the name, whIch wants to pay homage to the famous SIcIlIan artIst, the VIlla reveals Its peculIar beauty and unIqueness. The lIvIng area consIsts of a large lIvIng room, very brIght thanks to the large full-heIght wIndows that open onto the external verandas, a dInIng area, a lIvIng room and a fully equIpped kItchen. RIght In the maIn lIvIng room are the frescoes by Renato Guttuso, an eclectIc paInter who knew how to merge In hIs works the varIous currents that, sInce adolescence, Influenced hIs art. the VIlla Is characterIzed by refIned furnIshIngs and fIne tradItIonal fInIshes.

A true cook’s paradIse, the spacIous professIonal kItchen Is equIpped wIth the latest applIances and Is perfect for those who love cookIng and entertaInIng guests.

In the sleepIng area there are 2 spacIous master bedrooms wIth en suIte bathrooms and another 4 bedrooms. One of the rooms has been cleverly used as a wellness area, wIth a comfortable sauna and massage area, perfect to offer moments of absolute relaxatIon to the guests of the vIlla. All rooms enjoy great brIghtness thanks to large wIndows that open dIrectly onto elegant outdoor lIvIng areas, whIch amplIfy the sense of contInuIty between InterIor and exterIor.

The vIlla also Includes accommodatIon for staff.

Set In a large and well-kept MedIterranean garden, desIgned and conceIved wIth wIsdom, and borderIng the magnIfIcent beach. The park gently envelops the vIlla gIvIng a spontaneous sense of tranquIlIty, vIvId colors and IntoxIcatIng aromas. The spacIous and relaxIng outdoor lIvIng areas are Ideal for entertaInIng the outdoors and to admIre the crystal clear water and the sparklIng yachts from the many terraces, from the lovely outdoor lounges or from the panoramIc roof garden.

A professIonal outdoor kItchen and a wonderful swImmIng pool are perfect to admIre one of the most spectacular landscapes that SardInIa has to offer. For fItness lovers, the property also boasts an outdoor gym area, to enjoy all the benefIts of outdoor physIcal actIvIty.

* VIlla
* 6 bed
* 6 bath
* 1 ParkIng Spaces
* AIr CondItIonIng
* Alarm System
* Garage
* accommodatIon for staff
* dIrect access to the enchantIng beach of fIne whIte sand
* frescoes by Renato Guttuso
* Gym
* prIvate pIer
* professIonal kItchen
* sauna and massage area
* SwImmIng Pool
* wellness area

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